Volkswagen Driving Experience. Sweden. Part 1

Using the lateral force from the first turn he straightens the wheels and gets on the power much sooner. The combination of sideways energy and forward momentum provided by the wheels means the car is traveling sideways between the slalom poles. As the lateral force dissipates, the car shoots forward, the next turn is initiated and the process is repeated. The long left hander becomes a reverse entry drift performed in graceful slow-motion/ballet-on-ice type scenario while Marc casually chats to me about his steering and throttle input. Damn, this guy has a skill level I envy.

On successive runs I occasionally nail the entry and, in equal proportion, miserably fail in my feeble attempts. The problem does not lie in my driving skill but rather in my faith in physics. It is an alien concept to initiate turn-in so early and trust in the sideways momentum to negotiate the obstacle while simultaneously pointing the wheels in the ‘wrong’ direction and giving it the full beans. I am, however, having a lot of fun exploring this new dimension.

As the sun begins to set on our first day of the Volkswagen Driving Experience in Sweden it is time for the last exercise, the physics of which are not so alien to me, due to a misspent youth in wet car parks where stupidity and boredom reigned supreme. The humble J-turn performed on ice is even easier than on wet tarmac. Due to less traction there is no need to worry about foot-brake application. Accelerate in reverse, throw the wheel while fully depressing the clutch and slip it in to first lighting up the wheels as you approach the full 180º switch. This manoeuvre never grows old. Ever.

Night closes in and we gather at the wooden tepee on the frozen shore of Arvidsjaursjön to warm ourselves by the wood-burning fire and talk of the day’s feats of daring do. It’s been a fantastic start to our Volkswagen Driving Experience in Sweden and the frivolities have only just begun. Tomorrow the fun kicks off in earnest with a full day spent on the frozen lake and a chance to put in to practice everything we have learned as we hit one of the tracks for the first time.

Day one has been an exhilarating experience and a fantastic opportunity to learn a new set of driving skills under the expert tuition of the Volkswagen Team. Hopefully I have learned enough to not pile my Golf, which I have grown quite fond of, into one of the high snow banks that line the narrow track when tomorrow comes.

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