Red Bull. Tianmenshan Mountain Drift. Full Video

Finally, it is time to see the full video of The Red Bull Tianmenshan Mountain Drift King Show.

The Red Bull Tianmenshan Mountain Drift King Show featuring James Tang, Federico Sceriffo

It seems like months since James Tang and Federico Sceriffo drifted up the 99 corners and through the giant hole in the rock called ‘The Doors to Heaven’ on the Tianmenshan Mountain in China. This is because it has been months of us patiently waiting. And waiting. And… Now the wait is over!

Federico Sceriffo has just dropped the full version of helicopter footage from corners 1-99 and added some AC/DC for good measure.

Still worth checking out the behind-the-scenes footage HERE for extra sideways action up a stunning mountain.

Source – Federico Sceriffo

Categories: Race


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